Dopamine – aka the “feel good” hormone – has become a bit of a buzzy word on the internet lately. You may already be familiar with the widely popular “dopamine detox” trend. If not, you can read more about it in this article. (EXAMPLE LINK: NEED TO CHANGE!!!) But, today, we’re going to be talking about how to start a dopamine journal. In this article, we’ll discuss what a dopamine…
Author: admin
27 Posts
Dopamine Detox: How To Reset Your Brain’s Reward System
Since its inception, the internet has played a key role in the proliferation of fad diets and trends. The rise of social media over the past decade has only added to the fast-paced dissemination of these topics. One of the more popular crazes to go viral have been detoxes of various sorts. The latest of those to gain widespread adoption is what’s known as a dopamine detox. In this article,…
How To Create Systems For Success
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned throughout my creative pursuits is this: having big dreams and goals is great, but without key systems established, your chances of actually achieving them are slim to none. I first put a name to this concept when I read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book was a literal game changer for the way I think about habits and productivity.…
5 Goal Setting Tips To Achieve Your Best Year Ever
There’s something so magical about winter to me. It’s truly a season of transition, celebrating and reflecting on the past year and looking ahead in anticipation to the one ahead. I love spending those bone-chillingly cold months dreaming up endless possibilities and planning out my goals for the upcoming year. While I always try my best, I’ve definitely fallen short of reaching my goals plenty of times over the years.…
Why Your Goals Aren’t Attainable (And How To Fix That!)
Most people feel ambitious around this time of year. After all, it’s exciting, isn’t it? We start conjuring up all the possibilities that a new year could bring. Perhaps you’re dreaming of quitting your job in order to start your own business. Or, maybe you’re envisioning a healthier version of yourself by the end of the year. All this buzz of ambitious excitement can definitely be a good thing. However,…
23 Hobbies To Try This Winter To Scroll Less
During the winter months, I tend to spend a lot more time indoors. Due to this, I find myself spending more time on my phone. Which for me, equates to more time scrolling on social media. We all know the negative consequences of too much social media – which can wreak havoc on our mental health. Some of these conditions, like depression and anxiety, are already more likely to occur…